“Shut up and do something!”
Phrase coined by metal singer Dan Vasc, to encourage people to work towards solutions to their problems instead of sitting back and complaining.
I am employing Dan's Law on this issue. Shut up and do something.
by SpaceNinja7 September 12, 2021
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B-Movie Actress of the 1980's and early 1990's best known for her scantily-clad characters and gratuitous nudity, blending a tough persona and ass-kicking attitude with raw sex appeal. The 80's archetype of "tough and sexy", the kind of actress who'd fanboys bow down to and worship at her feet, even licking her boots to pay homage!
Ever see a movie with Sybil Danning in it? That chick filled out a bikini like a friggin' Amazon but I wouldn't get too close, she might cut ya balls off!
by KnightWrite December 8, 2010
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An amazing alcoholic beverage, as follows:
1. A Jagger bomb (A shot of Jaggermeister bombed into a red bull)
2. An Irish Carbomb (A shot of half baileys, half jameson, bombed into a guiness)
3. An American Honey Snakebite (A shot of american honey with lime, chilled)
4. A glass of water.
(1-3 are a race, 4 is sipped. do not repeat until finished with all 4).
It is worth noting that whenever three or more people order Dan shots together, the entire bar frequently turns to watch what is going on.
Dude A: I'm not that drunk.... I only had 4 drinks.
Dude B: Yeah, but they were Dan shots, so that's like 12 or 13 normal drinks.
Dude A: A Dan shot is one drink. I am sober.
by omg he's right August 21, 2015
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Dirty Dan is the little bitch who keeps calling you Pinhead even when you specified that you were the real Dirty Dan. He's also the one who hit you on the head with a fucking shovel.
*Dirty Dan attacks with shovel!
*It is super effective!
*Pinhead attacks with a nail bat!
*Nothing happened
by stonedweeb December 29, 2017
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Beyond white girl wasted. The absolute mostpoint that anyone can be under the influence of alcohol
"How was last night"
"Mate, I was absolutely Dan Cleavered"
by pseuper_pseudonym November 14, 2019
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