To crash a gathering of people in a public place simply based on the knowledge of said gathering, not by invitation.
Phil totally tried to pull a Kerry last night. I told him I was on a date at Denny's and he showed up!"
by RCamo November 15, 2010
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A girl with a blue waffle usually petite in size who demands to be double analy fisted until the point of prolapse
I took a dirty kerrie home last night that shit was wild there was blood shit and puss everywhere
by Major red eye January 22, 2022
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Kerri-lee is one cool ass mf, she yells at people at maccas, punches russian ladies at the traino, holds jimbo hostage, all in all shes a flat ash bitch on the pipe everyday with a trans boyfriend.
guy 1: "you see that girl kerri-lee"
guy 2: "yeh shes the same size as my 9 yr old"
guy 1: "damn that box shaped ass she can get it"
guy 2: "chill bro she has a tranny boyfriend"
by kerrileesdaughter October 11, 2020
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a kerry cold is when megan slawsons dad has a cold but cus he’s just- him he’s worse than everybody else in the family
god have you heard of the kerry cold!!”
by Megan slawson October 1, 2020
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A guy that will go to the ends of the earth for the people he loves. Kerry is very passionate towards a sport. He is kind, very goofy, and will always fine a way to make you smile. He’s a good person in all.
Person one: Hey Kerry what’s your favorite sport?
Person two: Bro, my favorite sport is definitely basketball, tryna play a round or two.
by Pursodin November 23, 2021
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means 'Darkness surrounds you.' tiny titties, super curly hair, super funny, but will beat you up if you get too close. loves a good hug, big asss. really dirty-minded. always making dad jokes. enjoys making fun of people as a joke she can relate to you on a lot of stuff. can not talk to her for months at a time and when you do its like you never stopped talking. has a lot of "deep" convos with her friends.

Kerry is a heather
we all love a Kerry

she is super strong
makes a lot of people cry.
Kerry is my best friend for life and will definitely be in my wedding dress change room.

Kerry and I have a lot of very deep and weird conversations.
by itty bitty titty comitty May 13, 2021
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