The agonized cry of an imprisoned turd.
Did you fart? No, that was the agonized cry of an imprisoned turd.
by Catskill549 March 3, 2012
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wat kari does to kelc face!!
o kari y did u fart in my face u butt fucker!
by kari jo October 5, 2003
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a loud smelly gas that cums out of ur ass wen u feel pressure in that area.

synonyms: poot, toot, realease gas
by foo-foo December 9, 2003
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A fart is a beautiful piece of gas that rollercoasters out of your ass. A fart is the best type of gas and shows huge respect in people who smell it. Unfortunately, people hate this oxygen/life saver. SO whoever hates your fart, push them out of a window.
An Urban Dictionary user: *farts* Ahhhhh! I feel better now!
Roblox friend: Wow mate, your farts are the best!
Fortnite enemy: EWWWWWWWWW-
An Urban Dictionary user: *pushes Fortnite enemy out of a window and into the river in Lego City*
by hARded2000 February 24, 2020
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A smelly chemichal that may blow your house or potty or ass up!
Timmy had to fart so bad that her made a hole through the chair.
by AJL November 20, 2005
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1. Stinking, ass scented methane which you repel from your rectal breach.
2. acronym- Frequency Actuated Rectal Tremor
I thought I had to take a shit, but when I sat on the porcelain god, all that came out was a Hiroshima destroying fart.
by Ass-Blaster April 28, 2005
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