Bad breath resulting from sitting in front of one's computer too long. It is very similar to morning breath.
Husband return home from work and leans in to kiss his wife. "What a long day. I sat at my computer and didn't move for 8 hours," he says. Wife replies, "WOW! you're not kidding, you've got a serious case of computer mouth. You should go brush your teeth before you think about kissing me."
by Matthew Michael Wesley August 25, 2008
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When she takes a cumshot from 10 Italian micropenis’.
Broski: Bro, she told me she had “mafia in my mouth”. I thought she was the one...
Bro: broski, she belong to the streets
by Lolkekchebureklolol August 24, 2020
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A slut who Always has some dudes balls or nuts in her mouth.
That girl has a chipmunk mouth she had tanner's nuts and now she has roberto's
by G sizzle October 26, 2015
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The ability to show no emotions while speaking on a topic that normally evokes strong positive or negative emotions.
Matt used his poker mouth in today's meeting with the stakeholders. He normally cannot discuss this project without spewing swear words.
by Pink Gnomie November 6, 2018
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The Rat Mouth is a mostly noctournal mammal who will mate with anything with a pulse. It's natural habitat encompasses all local watering holes and consumes copious amounts of alcohol. They are often forced to habitually migrate from one hole to another due to Alligator Mouth (see definition below), slander and libel (grafitti) to others and other henious acts. The Rat Mouth will puff up and instigate then call in reinforcements and cowardly call the law when they can no longer handle difficult prey. It will have the law on speed dial and inform the activities of it's former watering hole. Extreme caution should be used if you encounter a Rat Mouth. Do not befriend it, it is parasitic in nature and when all resources are exhausted it will turn on you with the above traits.
Watch out for her. She has a huge Rat Mouth and can not be trusted.
by People Watchers March 20, 2014
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When the hole from your recently pulled tooth smells like a dead rodent.
Gargle some salt water and take care of that tooth socket. You have Rat mouth. It smells like death when you talk.
by 2rr2lv2rr2dy February 26, 2022
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The phase beyond dry mouth. When you cannot even form enough spittle for spit. Your mouth is a vacuum from which nothing can escape.

Caused by smoking way to much of the devils lettuce without taking the necessary hydration precautions before sparking up.
Dude we should have brought a bottle of water with us I have aggressive space mouth.
by Flange22 February 26, 2021
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