Person 1 : "I studied really hard last night"

Person 2: " No I bet you were just tossing your own pancake"

Person 1: " Yeah you're probably right"
by GetRekt69M8 April 15, 2016
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Yeah, I'm doing that now ain't I? Are you happy? You like em don't you? I know words. I have the best words.
Hym " 'Use your own words!!' Cried the charlatan cult leader. As he paraphrases my actual response to the whore fucking the retard in response to a question about cheating. That's the height of psychological prowess right there. Just re-articulate what Hym said. That is absolutely heartbreaking... This is psychology now. Just charlatans parroting the things I say. Yeah? She needs to confess her guilt? Really? Man, the meaning has been completely and utterly drained from your words. That's a technique. It's called Fox Hunt. Now you're just an amorphous blob amorphous blob. Regurgitating catchphrases and plugging your friend's work and reciting the work of Hym."
by Hym Iam March 29, 2023
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Oooohhhh... ok. I see it. Yeah, I just watched that "Don't worry darling" movie. It was alright. I'm a little disappointed I DIDN'T write any of it. I was like 90% sure I'd have a line or two.... Oh, well I guess...
Iam "Wait, so... Are we supposed be the wife? The blonde?"

Hym "Hmmm.... Yes. Yes we are."

Iam "Right, cus he says 'If you have something to say, use your own words' right? So, yeah that makes me think it's, like, us. I mean, it was alright. Was that her first time directing? I mean, it was a good first attempt."

Hym "I feel like Jordan getting stabbed could have been more compelling. And the dialogue was a little on the nose. 'Silly man it's my turn now' or whatever? Blegh!"

Iam "Aw shit, spoilers..."
by Hym Iam December 28, 2022
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An east Anglian English alternative for 'mind your own business'. Especially used by the older generation - and knitters.
Kevin: "Mate, you are making that pasta all wrong, you add pasta to sauce not sauce to pasta".
Derik: "Kevin, why don't get on with your own knitting unless you want to make dinner".
by TobEyEuz May 18, 2015
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I tell my scientist friend whose comments reveal his prejudices by dismissing the facts, don’t stain your own lane.
by DocM&M August 17, 2020
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Any action taken by a person looking to have a relationship with another person, that effectively ruins their own chances of having said relationship
Guy 1: "So I was really into this girl, but when I walked up and kissed her on the cheek, she freaked out."
Guy 2: "Way to go man! Talk about Sinking Your Own Battleship!"
by fan187 July 10, 2012
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