An additional commandment added by God which states:

Thou shall not spoon another man's meat.
You just went and stole the friend I wanted you jerk. You don't spoon another man's meat. That's the 11th commandment
by balls? January 6, 2009
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1)the coolest person in the world!!!

2)a commander that is cool.

3)the best person in the world!
"Brittney was concidered the greatest commander cool in the world."
by bubie March 31, 2006
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1.) A derogatory word used to degrade others and make them feel like less or boring.

2.) Stale bread
Hey man. You’re acting like such a commander Cody right now.”
by Codyisbread June 4, 2021
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To take one's face off the internet, place it on ms paint, and then to color all over it and make it look ridculous.
Hey Bob, look at this guy's face! I call him...Commander Husamafusama!
by maxman280 January 19, 2004
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1.) Give all of ypur money to Kaysie.
2.) Work as a slave for Kaysie.
3.) Make food for Kaysie.
4.) Clean for Kaysie.
5.) Kill spiders and other bugs for Kaysie.
6.) Do homework for Kaysie.
7.) Worhsip Kaysie.
8.) Buy stuff for Kaysie.
9.) Abandon everything and only think about Kaysie.
10.) Kaysie is love, Kaysie is life.
Kaysie is the 10 commandments, the Quran, Bible, Satanic Scriptures, and Torah.
by Singhisking81 May 31, 2018
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