Something we all learned from, it's a term for something you did on accident.
I've made a small mistake! It's all ruined!

- Artists
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A twin
If you have a twin in your life one of them is a mistake
Tell them this
No one plans on having a twin
You are the mistake here not me
Which one of your are the mistake
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How do you keep a decent idea or someone's best efforts from slipping away? If the wrong hands can record it (or have it recorded), they can copy it and turn it (into bullshit) against somebody in no time, then the wrong hands prevail again. They can do that with just about anything in life, and they can spin it a lot of different ways.
The football team wasn't pushovers last week, the wrong hands had to get something to steal/copy to turn them into the pushovers they said they were this week, but the football team had already forgotten that and was now focused on mistakes and what they did wrong again, trying to hold everyone but the wrong hands accountable, when really making mistakes is human. Perfection is for machines, and because they are made by humans, they make errors too every now and then.
by The Original Agahnim November 23, 2021
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T3k_Lyc4n or aka Micheal
by Bbggbbgg November 28, 2021
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1.- A Roblox slender.
2.- A decision you regret.
3.- Something wrong.
"coming here was a mistake" "oops i made a mistake"
by GameSharp September 9, 2021
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Is the proper definition of Elizha " you were born on a highway beachside your a mistake"
by FlowerGirl834 August 9, 2017
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You. You are a mistake. 🙂
You: mom, do you know of a mistake.
Mom: why yes honey.
You: when did it happen?
Mom: how old are you?
by CrazedFox December 10, 2018
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