Someone a girl looks up to when she needs sexual pleasure or any other sexual tensions
Girl says "I want you to come in my mouth daddy."
by jack offmen January 30, 2018
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To be the hardest person in you prison.
Im the daddy now I run this wing
by The Daddy March 13, 2003
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The act of winning, beating, or dominating someone

Supposedly coined by a Pittsburgh Penguins sports anouncer.
John completly daddyed Pete in Four Square, he never gave that poor kid a chance.
by MichaelAngeloFilms February 12, 2009
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A cultural phenomenon with unknown origins, first recognized in association to the classic film "Freddy Got Fingered" where Gordy's dad chases the animator executive David Davidson around the office while yelling "no big daddy, don't hurt me big daddy!"
The phrase seemed to appear in slow, but steadily growing use around the campus of Kansas State University, with frequent spontaneous spurts of the phrase for no particular reason.
"No Daddy No" is such a versatile phrase, because it has duel meanings.
The duel meanings are known when creating a scenario, with a person sounding troubled, and a small voice screaming 'no daddy no'. This can sometimes sound disturbing to ignorant or naive individuals, so it can be "cleaned-up" by ending the statement with an explanatory remark.
-(knock knock)
"Open the door Boy!"...
-(door knob shaking)
"You didn't eat what I told you to!"
"No Daddy!"
-(door opens)
"Boy! You get back to the table and eat your sausage!"
"No Daddy No! That's not real sausage!"
"Your mother worked hard to make this vegan garbage, so eat up!"
by Frank And Ronald April 24, 2008
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what a bottom would call his top, as a sexual or flirty tease
by sylvie's little water 😩 October 23, 2020
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what your girl says to you when you put a dick inside her pussy or ass
by flxzy March 19, 2021
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