To leave a beer half drank; waster of beer

(Past tense) Charlied a beer

Charlie; a guy who doesn’t finish beers
1). “Hey Ben there is a half drank beer here getting warm is this yours?”

“No Preston just left he’s been Charlie-ing beers all day.”

2). “Yo! Half of these beers are half full who’s the Charlie?”
by Not Charlie September 19, 2023
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A complete asswhole who no one likes and will never have a girlfriend
man i really hate charlie plumel
by DOPE-DIGGY October 25, 2016
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Alias: David Grongid, Daddy, Count Good-Dad, and Davey McRapeface.

Cross-dressing numpty, sex pest, and a bad father.

He thinks he's intelligent, but he's profoundly influenced by the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Also highly likely to be a covert narcissist, so BEWARE!

But that's okay. He worked in a kitchen and thinks steaks are best cooked medium well.
Wow, this idiot is a complete Charlie Grongid! He creeps me out...
by GingerbreadDorn November 1, 2021
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When you commit a couple low grade crimes on camera but posit that you did it to teach a toddler what not to do
Guy 1: “How did you get off? They literally have you on video robbing the store!”
Guy 2: “I used the Good Luck Charlie defense.”
by Will4021 October 25, 2023
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It’s a syndrome where you’re obsessively thinking about guy named Charles
— Hey why are you smiling
— I’m just thinking about Charlie you know

— You have Charlie’s syndrome bitch
by nuwandadalton April 17, 2021
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An absolute Bollocks. This man has so many slurs in his arsenal that he will start spewing them out his rear end. A true treat to be around when he isn’t aggressive (horny).
British Charlie is such a slag.
by Gurti buba sub August 14, 2022
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every day is charlie hate day or you could say hate month! we hate that fag and his small todger
hey did you know its charlie hate month nigers
by cutieponey1234 November 9, 2023
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