A way to describe activities of nothingness. Feeling too lazy to even lift your finger to change the channel, often leading to a semi-vegetative state.
I wish this day would end, I can't wait til' I can get home, take a bong rip and go on full post...
by $ot$haman June 28, 2011
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Same as hindsight. Someone says they knew something all along after receiving information but they actually know nothing.
Woman: What's your sign?
Man: I'm a Leo.
Woman: I knew it!
Man: I'm actually a Capricorn.
Woman: That make sense because that is exactly what a Capricorn would do.
Man: You're post nutting I'm actually a Scorpio.
by PapasFritas March 23, 2023
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The moment that last 10-15 seconds after masturbation when you are immobile because you are questioning the existence of everything or you just beat your meat to hard
Bro last night I beat my meat and I couldn't move afterwards

That's just the Post-Masturbation paralysis, it's normal
by Assaddition November 17, 2019
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A period of minor depression following the end of a sports season. It is most common in high school athletes.
Person 1: “Damn, I just ain’t been right since the track season ended”
Person 2: “You got some post-season depression
by august rain June 6, 2022
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Type of punk music inspired by The Homosexuals and Protex which is kind of nervous, cathartic and fairly minimalist. Post-skate bands have the attitude without the object, they have the punk without being skate-punk, they have a vintage style without the vans.
Dude, did you listen to these new post-skate bands? Thigh Master, Dumb, Aborted Tortoise and The Shifters are so rad!
by stillinrock July 8, 2018
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Speedy garage punk with nervous yet friendly voice (nothing like angry punks), a simplistic and very tight rhythm, a cathartic sound, almost chopped, anti-corporation lyrics, a mid-fi production (not too lo-fi) and bouncy melodies with a vehement tendency.
Oh man, the new Aborted Tortoise is such a good post-skate album.
Oh man, post-skaters are so much better than punks.
by stillinrock March 25, 2020
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Someone who is waiting in the wings to make a great play on someone else's insights/talent.
That Balsworth is always waiting to snatch up someone else's ideas and run with it. He's a real post playa!
by Sexydeadguy August 3, 2017
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