Placeholder element in math, programming, language, and more.
var x = "placeholder";

function ( x ) { return x; }

string x = "";

void function( x )


11 = x + 2

y = mx + b

4 + 4 = x

"Did you know that X person did Y thing?"

"X crime was committed today... what a shame!"
by memestinkyboy May 8, 2021
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A letter that barely starts any words in the English language
Guy 1: Name one word that starts with x other than x-ray
Guy 2: Xylophone
Guy 1: Okay, name another
Guy 2: Xylem
Guy 1: Okay, now you’re just making up words
by SomeRandomPersonGuy September 30, 2019
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X is the most underrated letter in the alphabet
STUVWYZ (didn't even notice something is missing) sorry x
by Purplewolf412 January 17, 2019
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A synonym of 'close'.
by Jak'O'Lantern'tool November 3, 2023
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It equals 3
Q1: Solve for x
Me: x=3
by JR136 May 22, 2022
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Sister letter to Y, X represents a variable in a mathematical equation. The use of X and other letters to represent known or unknown numbers first widely used in 1637. X can also represent the X axis, depth, in 3d geometry.
Person X: If X = 2, then was is X + 2?
Person Y: You know I fucking suck at math, why are you making me do this shit?
by Lord Of Worms May 16, 2023
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