A racial slur of someone who is a silly or foolish person.
Miro is a twit.
by MoverM September 15, 2020
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A whole bunch of twits. A twit brigade is a bunch of buffoons.
The school moms are such a twit brigade.
by Holdsitgud March 10, 2022
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Some one who is a dumb ass with a huge used up vagina.
Britney is a twit taco . { dumb} { Ass}
by Tsar September 21, 2015
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To surreptitiously monitor someone's social networking site(s) without subscribing/following/friending.
She denied my friend request on Facebook, so I just twit-stalk that bitch.

I checked out her browser history and she's been twit-stalking me the whole time, now she is demanding a Kobe Special
by arthax0r December 7, 2009
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a mix between twig bitch and twat. reserved for only skinny bitches who think they’re all that.
God i hate Ciara she’s such a twit bitch
by hoenumerouno March 21, 2019
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a blow hard whose pseudo knowledge on a subject leads to moronic rants
Your shallow knowledge of football coupled with your emotional assessment of your team’s performance is that of a ninny twit
by oldvelvet1943 November 5, 2023
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