Someone from the south, not white trash, don't put up with alot of shit, don't like yankee's, love the woods, mudd, big ass trucks, boots, wranglers, the south, confederate flags, dip, beer, huntin', fishin', and talks different than most of yall people, and alot of other things.
Redneck one: Hey yall lets head to the woods to mudd!
Redneck two: Hell yea!
by MountedShooter09 January 25, 2010
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A classification of United States amuricans who presumably drink a beyond reasonable amount of grain alcohol, chew long leaf and straight tabacca, beat their housewifery daily, grow hideous mullets (10 90's), drink beer from a mason jar,make sweet love to their first cousin, brother, mother, or great grand daughter (only to find that their offspring has multiple digits and an astronomical amount of mental retardations), participate in saudistic activities, engage in racially defiant groups, drink the scum of the earth beer more directly called Bud (once sponsored by a kin redneck known as Dale Earnhardt Jr more known to the NASCAR crowd {"Non Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks"}just simply as junior and indirctely as poo poo ka choo piss low quality H2O, and lasty but not leastly enjoy the pure game of hunting and fisting, or is it fishing?????
That deformed man from alabama appears to be a redneck.
by AmuricaRulz69 November 2, 2008
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Typical FOX News viewer. Rarely has more than a high school education.
Those rednecks got all riled up after watching FOX News last night.
by Paul August 21, 2003
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An idiot who establishes himself as a complete Southerner proud of the Confederacy. As in other definitions, they are usually found driving hideous rusted pickup trucks, wearing some combination of these: (overalls, Dixie Outfitters T-shirts, Wrangler Jeans, NASCAR shirts, Bass fishing shirts, and cowboy boots), and either chewing tobacco or drinking beer.
These are people that should have flushed down the loo (toilet) at birth. They should have a huge chunk of the South cut off from the continent and have it as their own land, so they can leave us alone.
Rednecks think they are so tough, well airdrop them into inner city Detroit.....we'll see how long they last.
That redneck from Alabama tried to piss on my lawn. So I bitch slapped him and kicked the four remaining teeth out of his mouth. He called me a damyankee, so then I called him a dumb bastard and cut his overall straps off.
by anonymous August 12, 2004
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A person or persons who sport camoflague jackets, hats, boots, and or shirts. One who hunts every weekend, uses "ain't and y'all" in every sentence, has no sense of humour if the joke pertains to themselves, overally uses the insult "faggot", and is extremely close-minded and stereotypical, if not ignorant and hypocritical. These can be combined to make a "redneck", some do not pertain to very few, but most pertain to these examples.
Redneck1: Hey, look at that faggot with the mohawk!

Redneck2: Yeah, he must be gay.

Mohawk Faggot: *Shoots them both*
by Crestfallenman February 18, 2006
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People who fuck there sisters, farm, like G W Bush, watch nascar they love the dead dude earnhardt and his rednack ass son, they speak like there retarded, they like driving gas guzzling chevy pickup trucks and make stupid fucking saying like git r don and watch walker texas ranger and wave rebel flags all over and make fun of people who have real jobs not being someone who picks up shit at a rodeo.
Thats a goddamn redneck.
that damned rednecks he's fucking his sister while drinking busch beer and watching nascar.
by cky2k4ever February 18, 2006
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A person or group of people who are discriminated against and called "stupid" by people on urban dictionary who can't even correctly spell stupid. They tend to like to hunt and watch NASCAR. Most are quite intelligent, though because people today are so close minded they aren't seen like that, they are usually described as quite ignorant. THEY ARE NOT RACIST! There is a difference between a redneck or a country person, and a hick. Hicks or hillbillies are racist. The Rebel Flag DOES NOT STAND FOR SLAVERY it stands for Southern Heritage, and yes rednecks tend to wear the rebel flag on clothing and etc. Get your facts straight people, and don't try and say something like "they are uneducated" about some one you don't personally know, if you can't even correctly spell a 4 letter word your own self.
Person 1: Rednecks are dumb and racist.
Person 2: Actually we are quite educated, the state forces/forced us to go to school just like they forced/forces you to. We are not racist, actually we are probably more mannerly than you are.
Person 1: I guess.
Person 2: I don't guess, I know.
by CountryGirl... February 4, 2011
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