A backpack mounted rocket launcher originally used by Reinforcements of the Cheat Commandos. Handy for taking out those pesky enemy radar dishes.
"Justice Rocket Backpack Rocket Rocket Fire!!", Reinforcements said while taking out the enemy radar dish.
by Otaku Guardian February 8, 2005
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yay area slang. it means you go dumb while wearing your character backpack. character backpacks are popular among baydestrians. it goes with the uniform: stunna shades, blue jeans, white tee, nike/vans, character backpack. characters on backpacks usually have spongebob or superheroes or care bears(for girls) on it.
i go dumb in my backpack, dumb in my backpack. dumb in my, dumb in my, dumb in my backpack.

-song by headbustaz feat. mistah fab
by yay area baby January 22, 2007
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code for "i need to take a crap". it's the new #2, essentially.

based off in a popular sitcom when a boy was trying to lie to his friends saying he was looking for backpack while he was really taking a poo
Guy 1: "Dude, you look uncomfortable."
Guy 2: "Yeah, we need to go home real quick."
Girls: "Why?"
Guy 2: "I need to find my backpack."
Guy 1: "Ohh... yeah, let's go."
Girls: "Now?"
by WallyDetroit March 30, 2009
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a "national holiday" were kids all around the world don't bring their backpacks to school on January 13 and September 15.
Jake: Hey where's your backpack?

Anthony: Bro did you forget? Today is national don't bring your backpack to school day!
by novarae January 13, 2022
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When someone comes to your spot dumps out their backpack all over your stuff and then slowly packs her backpack up with all your stuff and their stuff together and leave
Why you coming over here backpack barffing that s*** somewhere else
by Pharoh69 February 17, 2023
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Backpack barfing is when people come to your spot & dump there backpack out all over your stuff & when they pick there stuff, they take your stuff along with yours when they leave.
Don't come in here backpack barffing,at my spot
by Pharoh69 February 15, 2023
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Clear backpack is a term for describing a quiet kid. Usually how that the (at least) stereotype of a quiet kid needs one to prevent school shootings.

Please. If you see a quiet kid, treat that person with respect. Be nice to them. Nothing is worth the risk.
"See Todd over there? He needs a clear backpack."
by BigGreasyFurry July 18, 2023
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