Humans Against Genesis refers to a commercial for the original Sonic the Hedgehog for Genesis featuring Larry Cedar where Cedar plays a woman named Denita Stokes who is the CEO of Humans Against Genesis, or HAG for short. The commercial is known for featuring some prototype footage of the game as well.
Narrator: Denita Stokes, President of Humans Against Genesis (HAG).

Stokes: It’s bad enough that the Sega Genesis had the most 16 Bit games but this new Sonic the Hedgehog, oh, He really dusts my doilys! They say he’s incredibly fast. Well what’s the hurry, mister? And about his attitude. Smartie pants! Why can’t he be like that nice boy, Mario?
Sonic:*zooms off*
by BobackTFox January 31, 2023
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What a grade-school student says in order to decline to do something that might likely get him in Dutch with the dreaded "men in the upstairs office", whether or not he himself actually feels morally repulsed by said request.
Telling someone that, "It's against my principals" can indeed be highly effective at getting said individual to quit pressuring you to misbehave; just be aware that some students and/or teachers may have "ins" with said powerful heads of the school, and so mentioning about them might not instill adequate concern in said bully to cause him/her to back off.
by QuacksO December 30, 2022
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Yes crimes against capitalism exist. However this crime is currently not achievable unless G-d says capitalism can't exist.
Commit a crime against capitalism is committed when normal people go nuts 🙃 and want to replace capitalism with their own liberal woke ideas. Punishment: remove people like Bill Gates and John Kerry from all levers of power.
by Sexydimma November 26, 2022
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is used when someone bets on something happening, even with a low possibility or likelihood of it happening.
I don't care if I don't win, I'll bet the odds against it all.
by MpatientfreaK October 16, 2022
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Wasting time and effort over something in a way that makes you look foolish, particularly if your efforts were to improve something or show off to friends/family/colleagues.
It can also mean that you've wasted time trying to improve something, while you're instead making more of a mess than was there beforehand.
"We thought we were being clever by activating this new function in the program, but instead we were just pooing against the tree"
by JohnJohnJurts August 9, 2021
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