V. ( broom-nOOver): To sweep around an object in a tight area.
Yesterday I had to broom-neuver around the boxes in the back of the bookstore.
by PH2K June 15, 2009
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While having intercourse with your significant, apply a condom onto a broomstick handle and insert it into their anus. While in a missionary position, pogo the broom handle as if you were a witch riding a broom
The other night my wife and I wanted to try double penetration and I gave her the witches broom.
by DaddyCraftCook November 29, 2020
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when a man finishes having sex with a woman and realizes that he has something attached to his manhood that was left by a previous caller.
After having sex with a prostitute Adam realized he had broomed the womb because there was a used condom from a previous client attached to his manhood!
by Superknox1andonly December 23, 2014
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A Broom used by Guyanese people usually made of Palm strands of Palm Trees. Usually used when the strands are new and crisp. Can be also used the beat people
"Go catch ya bed befor me beat ya rass with a pointy broom:
by bevarnow May 24, 2019
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An object that has had a lot of parts replaced or repaired; it’s in reference to a scene from the 1996 episode sitcom Only Fools and Horses, Heroes and Villains, where the character Trigger talks about how when he worked as Road sweeper he used the same broom for 20 years, and how it has had 17 new heads and 14 new handles
I’ve had to have another new part put in my car, it’s like triggers broom now
by Mister Mango Man September 19, 2023
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When your pubic hair is full of coital juices and you take it across the face of your partner.
We wrapped up a lunch time quicky and I gave them a soggy broom.
by Slappy whiskerbiscut November 17, 2016
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