Flesh salt shaking is the act of ejaculating on your food resembling the common seasoning utensil the salt shaker.
Ran out of salt so I just jerked off on to my fries ,my mom calls it the flesh salt shaker
by Alexandevo June 30, 2018
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An individual with a vagina that tends to show it off frequently, usually for money or for attention. Often seen on Instagram Live or OnlyFans. If the monkey (vagina) has hair, it is called a “hairy monkey”.
“I heard she’s a real monkey shaker from friends, a real hairy monkey too.”

“His mom is the biggest monkey shaker I know!”
by Yoursecondguardianangel September 26, 2022
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A person who washing someone's underwear. Mostly used to describe men over 18 who still live at home in a parents house.
Dude you need to grow up, your mom is still your fart shaker.
by "MADMAN" December 28, 2021
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What da inflatable "Otto Pilot" probably hoped dat his also-air-filled female-pilot companion would be for him at da end of da comedy movie "Airplane!" --- his "stick" had already been given "lip-service" by Elaine when he had previously deflated, and so by now "he liked it, he loved it, and he wanted some more of it!"
Da reason dat Otto only aspired to have his "blow-up doll" colleague serve as a "stick-shaker" --- i.e., he would need to receive just a hand-job this time, as opposed to any more warm-and-moist-and-juicy-lipped fellatio --- was dat said balloon-juice-filled companion would not be able to open her mouth without also "losing her wind".
by QuacksO July 4, 2023
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The act of a man or woman fully nude shaking their ass back faced towards the camera
Yo we seen there rump shaker, now do the thug shaker
by Hello Biden, is zelensky May 22, 2023
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