The act of a mouth-breathing troll using their own alternate account(s) to agree with their own wharrgarbl or derp.
User 1: Libtards are afraid of Sarah Palin because she's smart.

User 2 (User 1's alt): Woah, did I say afraid of? I meant scared of.

User 3: Looks like we have a circle derp.
by MistahTom March 27, 2010
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another way to say yes, or agreeing to something.
Adam- "Did you round that bases with that chick last night?!"
Ryan- "YERP-A-DERP!"
by A.B.S15 May 9, 2008
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A group of retards in a classroom or a platoon of retards being sent into battle ahead of the regular troops acting as human shields/decoys.
"Yo check that dumb-ass ova myah! He belongs in a Derp Squad no doubt!"
by VikeMe January 11, 2012
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Something to say when the words merp, or derp is mentioned, mostly used by fabulous people.
Jeffery: Merp
Hillary: Derp
Both: Merp-a-Derp
by PANDAmonium March 7, 2014
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a noise that you make when you don't know what else to say
Sarah: Hey herp derp
Yaara: Derp nerp herp
Sarah: i know...
Yaara: derp.

Person 1: i just stepped in poop
Person 2: you're a derp
Person 1: yerp
by the derps April 27, 2011
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When one is blazed and attempts to leave a party/chief session.
Yo guys, I gotta get home, boutta derp.
by dixon yamada October 1, 2011
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