(n)- A commonly used unit of measurement referring to the 100-foot drop found on Thorpe Park's Saw roller-coaster.
Guy: He was running away from the cops and jumped a wall that was a half saw-ride!
Girl: A whole 50 feet?!?

Guy 2: I've been driving for 36,792 saw-rides; I need sleep!
by emilygale August 25, 2010
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Amazing guy. Mostly gay and not afraid to show it. Will make you smile when your down, and will hold your hand past your ex to make him jealous.

Is into techno music and raves. Wearing converse and tight girl pants. Will say obscene things to make you laugh, and will deck you in the arm if you say something offensive.
Rear Riding Ryan can back hand any hoe cause he's that amazing.
by AlexandraHeartless March 31, 2010
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When a man shoots his cum into the scare of a another person's hair lip scare
by Truck slut 80 February 10, 2021
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Noun: A grenade consisting of tequila, jagermeister and red bull, with a cap of mdma in the bottom of the jager shot. The shot glasses are balanced in the rim of the glass filled with red bull so when you drink the tequila, the shot of jager falls into the cup. Drinking a few of these will get you ready to party, garunteed.
Oh man, Jerry just drank his 6th unicorn moon ride... he's gonna be fucked up!
by MagicalUnicorn09 May 6, 2012
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When you ride a cake. Literally that’s all it is.
Karen was cake riding at her wedding, and everyone was in shock and awe.
by ArtsyLocus August 29, 2018
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It's when Randy engages sexually with his sexy chick...
Randy sure gave Beth a Dandy Randy Ride last night.
by Dandified August 6, 2022
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