A full farce personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Tim pulled another full farce today, humble bragging about his moistress and getting butt hurt by anyone that disagreed with him. He blocked 7 users and claimed he won the internet.
by Full Force May 27, 2017
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A video game term from the game rust. When a survivor is running around in a fully protected gear set.
by PRGo8az March 8, 2022
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The “Full Fauci” is the policy and protocol regarding entrance to a public event during these COVID times. The explanatory copy follows:

With an eye on the evolving COVID-19 situation, and our prioritizing of safety for our community and beyond, we are only allowing attendance to those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Vaccination cards must be presented.
Negative PCR tests will not be accepted.
This applies to all adult attendees, children 12 and over, and to all staff. This policy does not apply to attendees who are under the age of 12, as they are not yet eligible for vaccination.
Additionally, face masks must be worn at all times, except when eating or drinking.

*Only fully vaccinated adults, with proof of vaccination, may be on premises.
*Children under 12 are exempt.
*Face masks required.
"It gonna be slow gettin' in, they're using the Full Fauci at the door," said the concert goer to his buddy.
by ElCommissioner October 2, 2021
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Silicon Valley equivalent of Full Retard, inspired by the startup color.com.
His startup raised so much cash, but then he went full color and now it's fucked.
by SiliconGlen November 20, 2012
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When you bitch about a little boo boo on your hand like a beta cuck; i.e. slamming the breading table on your pinky
Bro, you're whining about a little full finger fumpeting? My hands are full finger blasted rn.
by Usblatte September 22, 2020
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A way to describe activities of nothingness. Feeling too lazy to even lift your finger to change the channel, often leading to a semi-vegetative state.
I wish this day would end, I can't wait til' I can get home, take a bong rip and go on full post...
by $ot$haman June 28, 2011
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