A unit on notches based on chicks that wanted to and could have banged but couldn't because of timing,being in a relationship/married ect.
"She totally wanted to bang but i have chalk her up on the ghost notch list"
by Dirtymike2488 September 9, 2018
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When you see a ghost but ur very scared :(
Person 1: yo whats that thing
Person 1: g-g-g-GHOST!?
by mr fuckface 2.0 June 22, 2023
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When you participate in job interviews, and the company stops communicating with you, rather than letting you know that they will not hire you
I went through three rounds of interviews and then no email or call. The company is job ghosting me.
by Mockerpants2 December 7, 2022
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Never an Input: Always an Output
Jon Bonham is the Growth Ghost (GG) of Led Zeppelin
Steve Wozniack from Apple
Syd Barrett from pink Floyd
Marc benioff for 4th Industrial revolution
Bhagat Singh: Indian Independence
by Bhvyrghvgllpll November 26, 2018
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Rampant in "chain of command" situations --- especially the military and "mega-biz" establishments --- whereby everybody wants to push underlings around but then hastily "passes the buck" and claims ignorance/innocence when things go sour. Refers to the deplorable practice of an arrogant/dictatorial/irresponsible/ignorant a**h**e with way too much power ("authority") giving unwise/ineffective/counter-productive orders to one or more hapless underlings, brusquely refusing to listen to their urgently-beseeching appeals about the fallacy/unfairness/danger of proceeding as he told them, but then suddenly shedding all knowledge/responsibility (i.e., not admitting that he was indeed the "author" of those crazy stipulations) regarding said preposterous directives whenever s**t hits the fan afterwards as a result of his subordinates' having reluctantly-but-obediently carried out his unwisely-mandated actions.
I long ago decided to not just blindly/arbitrarily follow orders/rules/laws, no matter what position or experience or education/training that their "authors" happened to supposedly possess... I **always** use my own judgement/conscience in all my actions. Too many times in the past, I've gotten in knee-deep doo-doo MYSELF for someone else's screw-ups in reasoning/planning, only to have said "idiot in power" pull da ol' "ghost writer" AUTHORity trick on me, never admitting or even falsely denying ever having told me to proceed that way, just so that HE would not have to suffer any of the fallout from his own preposterous directives.
by QuacksO August 25, 2018
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Inserting a human males penis where another human male peniss' has been. An inanimate object is the true definition. I.E.: a jar of Vasoline.

"Docking" but without one of the docks.

original reddit.com thread by CherrrryCola
subject A: "Oh man, I 'borrowed' my buddy's Vasoline jar and look what I saw!"

-picture of a Vasoline jar with a definitive "PAEYNESS" imprint in it.

(the actual "Ghost Docking" procedure is complete whence subject A inserts his PAEYNESS into/upon where his "buddies" man-tool once poked.) EEEWWWWWW!
by tronn4 January 31, 2012
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