A Balkan inspired meat roll which mainly consists of Lepinja bread, pork and beef Kebapi cooked on a BBQ, Zelka Salata (cabbage salad), chopped onions and Ajvar. Sour cream is an optional condiment also.
Wow, that wog roll is delicious.
by Wog Roll Balkan Street Eats January 25, 2019
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A dirty boy that never cleanse himself, mainly used for people name Robbie
Your a dirty wog!
by Rajanhothey January 24, 2018
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When your waiting anxiously for something to happen or appear!
D-ROB: Man, What's Up???

DAV: Dude, I am sweating like wog waiting for this number 15

D-ROB: Line or House?

DAV: House Init!


DAV: PRICK!!!!!!!
by Davaldo19 December 28, 2007
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A fake word that was made up by a kappa male
"I'm a sigma, you're a wig. *wig. *wog."
"That's a fake word."

"That's something a wig wig wog would say."
by Not a kappa but a sigma male January 17, 2022
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Australian slang to describe an all time favourite italian food, the Pizza.
Oi Sarah, what toppings do you want on your wog sandwhich?
by Riotz1 March 4, 2017
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Person from Scandinavia, but mostly Sweden since it is where IKEA originated.
Person A : Those fuckin´Scandinavians sure travel a lot, don´t they ? Those people are fuckin´all over the place!

Person B: Yeah, bloody IKEA wogs.
by Cockfeathers May 28, 2018
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