A hate email is an email you send to someone to address hatred for something or someone.
person A: Ugh my math teacher assigns wayyy too much work! I'm going to send them a hate email.
person B: bruh same
by crispyleftleg April 14, 2021
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An email sent by someone you dont know with pictures of random dicks
Yo becky i got a dick email last night
by fishy licker February 19, 2016
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A graduate of Wittenberg University, circa 1989, also known as Joe TV, Parrot, Amoeba, The Shocker, and Shockobot.
When Fascist Emailer distributed another one of his insane diatribes, we laughed and said "Oh, that Shockobot."
by Aggrandizer October 25, 2007
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An individual who mindlessly forwards emails to colleagues, business contacts and friends in an attempt to make him/herself look smart.
Bob: "I keep getting tons of research emails from Fred but he never makes any comments nor does he ever seem to be reading them himself."

Dave: "Yeah, me too. He's such an email conduit."
by Tsmack89 July 30, 2009
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The act of becoming numb to the information in emails due to the amount of emails received.
Boss: Why did you do that task? I sent you an email.
Employee: I didn't see it in the email; I get 200 emails a day.
Boss: You are experiencing email numbness; I'll cut back the amount of emails I send.
by TrueWillis February 1, 2011
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Using transmitted email to determine if someone is out of town, mostly used in business.
"It looks like Bob is out of town. I used email sonar to see if he had an out of office notification configured. He will be back next week."
by ZoinksS2k December 30, 2011
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