He's young, fresh, funky, and fierce.
'Damn babe you looking like Obama'
'You looking young, fresh, funky, and fierce ;)'
by ObamaIsMyLove November 29, 2017
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A president like any other, the only difference is hes black(WTFF, stop putting so much emphasis on that).

A president viewed as the salvation of America but receives loads of praise though nothing has been done yet, and people need to shut up, quit fighting let him do his job and don't put someone who hasn't done jack yet on a pedestal.

He did not break any barriers, the barriers were broken ages ago, no one of another race has one and gotten majority vote, so really he's just the first to take a shot at it, he hit big deal. You can call him a glorious leader when he pulls us out of the hole, until then shut your traps, do your jobs, and let him do his
Person 1:Obama is our savior hes done so much hes broken many barriers, no one would let him be president
Person 2:He did nothing yet, give him some time before worshiping him
Person 1:Your a racist Nazi Fascist pig i bet you don't give your money to drug addicts like i do
Person 2: All i saying is give him some time hes yet to do anything he will but shut up until he does, and don't bring race into this
by GW_Watchman November 1, 2009
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America's BEST president, and also, the BEST decision some people made
by 42% December 3, 2017
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Obama is this guy that I used to think was really cool, but then I realised that he's just like other Americans and is determined to get 'justice' over the BP thing.

Was a good guy.
Now a bad guy.
Give the Lockerbie thing a break, it's not justice!
Yo, I'm Obama and I won't stop until I get 'justice'.
by gothicduckx July 29, 2010
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P1: "Why'd you vote for someone else?"
P2: "Cuz I like Tru-"
by a pineapple under the sea November 3, 2017
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The very first president of the US who has a special website about his victories and efforts: whatthefuckhasobamadonesofar.com
— Do you know who Obama is?
Yea, I’ve seen whatthefuckhasobamadonesofar.com
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