A member of the trio of trailer park terrorists on the Canadian comedy series Trailer Park Boys. Julian is played by Jean Paul Tremblay.
Julian is a smooth talking, well-read alcoholic who serves as the "brains" of the operation in most of the boy's misadventures. He is apparently considered sexy by Jim Lahey, despite their mutual dislike. He hates being referred to as "Patrick Swayze". He seems to spend a lot of time reading and trying to keep positive, both in and out of jail. He is never seen without his trademark rum and coke, always carried in a rocks glass, regardless of where he is. He has also dabbled in drinking "swish", a disgusting homemade liquor which according to Bubbles "my fuck, does it get ya some drunk!"
On an interesting note, it is hinted he had sexual relations with Ricky's longtime love interest and child's mother Lucy, after a night of drunkenness and mushrooms in which he experienced memory loss.
by TPB Fan September 20, 2007
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mi baby aka sexy jay damn i love him and he fine and got a hot voice he a baddass lol hes great...i love ya jay
sexy jay is hott........damn
by DaPrInCEsS6t9 June 12, 2005
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A Juliane's your best friend.
She usually has a teddy that she adores. She's also into photography and always strives to fulfill her never ending desires to create the perfect universal soothing aesthetic.
She loves Jazz but she cannot sing. Dont ever make her sing.
Shes is someone with average looks. She's not mindblowingly beautiful. She's more of a duff.
Because of her looks she may not be very popular when it comes to romance, but that just makes her more approachable as a friend. She'll always listen and worry about you. She might not give the best advice but you can always rant to her.
Juliane is very emotional. She will rant a lot of times. She's easily angered and has a very short temper. She's very easily hyped meaning that she often finds herself in situations in which everything escalated. Juliane is not very intelligent, not very talented, not very beautiful and incredibly clumsy but if you do take the time to put up with her she will be the best friend you will ever have.
Person A: Hey, I'm not feeling well. A lot of bs happening lately.
Person B: You should talk to Juliane, she will feed you good foods as well!
Juliane: Com'ere bebi *starts the endless cuddles*
by aesthetiquemoon July 23, 2018
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crusty white spit deposits on the sides of your mouth, :from the character "Julian" played by Robert Downy Jr.,..he had them in the movie due to his role as a junk-box
""yuck, gross, you have julians"
by IMPLANT MAFIA January 26, 2005
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the boy at school who all this girls think is hot and always fall for. no lie h's fucking sexy, but he's also a thot. he can't control himself around girls, and will do anything to get a girl to do what he wants. even if he has a girlfriend , he doesn't care,, he want all the hoes. he has a weird laugh kind of sounding like a freaking walrus, it's annoying, but it's hard not to start laughing the same way. he goes from girl to girl no matter what and always like so talk about sex, because he's forever horny, no lie about that.
"I was texting Julian the other night... it's almost as if he's always horny when I text him"
"wait... doesn't Julian have a girl friend?
"yeah why?"
"are you blind... he's flirting with those girls again"
"what a disgrace, his girlfriend should leave him"
"she can't..."
"they already had sex...!!!!!"

"that's fucked up"
" I wanna fuck Julian so bad, but sadly, he's a hoe...and he has a girlfriend"
"so... he don't love her anyway...he only with her so he can get some"
by gemini_godesss... April 18, 2015
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A girl that everyone seems to fall in love with instantly because they think she is so sweet. When you are around her, she makes you feel important and admired. But when you turn around the real bitch in sheep's clothing comes out. Be careful with her. She may seem nice and lovely but somewhere deep down there is something dark and rotten. She is not the perfect little girl she seems to be. She will break you.
Mark - Hey man, I'm going out with Juliane tomorrow night.
Jason - Woow, careful with that one
Mark - What do you mean? She is the nicest person I've ever met
Jason - Yeah that's what I thought too. Until she...
by i_state_facts May 11, 2019
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