He is the insanely cool Jared Kleinman who eats bath bombs and loves the cronch
"the insanely cool Jared Kleinman
I think we should start to make him a part of this awesome friendship we have"
by Elevatornotworthy November 6, 2019
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The Morbius. Our god. the lord of the Morb and the protector of the innocent.
Guy 1: Jared Leto is based.

Guy 2: TRUE!
by requim_slayer May 11, 2022
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Gavin: hey did you do your homework for chemistry
Remi: of course! who do you think i am. Jared wood?
by MexiWHITE November 24, 2010
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YouTube comedian and guitarist who specialiazes in thck ass Djent guitar playing. Has some serious talent as a musician but he really stands out as a comedian. He was spammed with some douche "custom building" him a 17 string but he turned around and showed his djent with an 18 string for Djent 2018
Djenty boi
Does it djent
Djent it good
Djent god
Dank memes
If you ladies want to see some thick djent Bois djenting look no further than

Jared Dines and I'm right here
by X17a April 26, 2018
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Lead singer of the band 30 Seconds to Mars, along with his brother Shannon Leto, bassist Matt Wachter and guitarist Tomo Millicevic.

He was born December 26th, 1971

He's not afraid to wear eyeliner

He claimed to be asexual, like Morrissey

He is a vegetarian

He is also an actor
Jared Leto has the sexiest voice I've ever heard
by tastes_of_ink July 27, 2006
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A teenager from UK who is a massive fan of pop artists, including Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez, and Ke$ha. He has covered several of their, with the effects on the viewers including nausea, migraines, and HIV. He has also made a video "declaring war" on all Justin Bieber fans, which he has removed from Youtube. He also makes multiple false threats, saying that he will hack the trolls who mess with him. Also, when in a tinychat with /b/, he faked hanging himself in front of all the trolls to see by putting a belt around his neck and placing it on his bunk bed. The number of hate he has received has soared recently since the Facebook character Brock Obama and his fans have joined the war against Jared, and Brock was even able to have a private conversation with Jared himself. Jared then continued to tell him that since Pop music is culture, we must embrace it, and he called Brock several derogatory terms, including "slave" and "nigger", and he threatened to kill Brock, his family, and all 110,000+ of his fans. As revenge, he posted the entire conversation to his fan page, and it is also on Encyclopedia Dramatica. He has also said he has been given permission by the "FBI" (even though he lives in the UK) "CIA" and "Secret Services" in Europe, Asia, Australia, and America to leak the haters' personal information, and he also threatens to kill Justin Bieber haters as always. Ironically, his personal information has spread around the internet instead of his.
Jared Milton is clearly deserving of trolling, after all, what response can you possibly get from declaring war on those who hate the single most hated pop star of all time?
by Lord Kickass July 11, 2011
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