When one gets completely inebriated on Busch Latte and feels like shit
"Cody failed to make it into work today, because he has the Busch Sprite-itis."
by The Ole Dude February 10, 2023
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A medical condition in which certain breeds of Canis familiaris (dogs) exhibit behavioral tendencies often associated with heavy inanimate objects stored in sacks. Common symptoms are lying down at the dog park instead of playing with other dogs, lying down during a walk, and/or lying down during a burglary.

There are no known cures.
A: How was your walk with Jerry (basset hound)?
B: Not so great, I had to drag him most of the way.
A: Wow, sounds like Jerry might have lazy-itis-otis. You should really be feeding him a vegan diet.
B: Shut up, Karen.
by DCA1981 August 5, 2022
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: marked fondness for or obsession with telephoning afflicted with the telephonitis … common to all teen-agers— J. S. Qualey.
When she drinks too much she has telephone itis. My teenage son got home from school today and all of a sudden he had telephone itis.
by Jenyrose October 23, 2022
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When your overly full and can barely move
Man I just ate so much I have itis frrrr
by Kittybish December 12, 2020
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The acronym of "Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale" (translated would be "State Industral/Technical Institute").

The finest type of school in Italy, that prepares you for a future job and gives you technical culture, but to excel in the study course you need to be rational enough (if you aren't, you'll probably become more rational in a school like this).

After the diploma (graduation) you can start either to find for a job that involve technical skills, or continue the study courses in University or Politechnic (pratically an Institute of Technology).

If you're lucky, and the teachers are kind enought, you could get for free hardware that otherwise would be scrapped, even rare one if you know what and where to look for.

The drawback is (usually) the lack of female students that could lead male students to become crazier that what they were (mainly if they don't have female friends nor a girlfriend), and in some cases even become incels.
Carlo: Where do you study?
Mattia: I study in an ITIS, i've chose the ITclass.
Carlo: Is it hard?
Mattia: Not really: if you like technical stuff, and you're rational enought, the ITIS is the right school for you.
by Str1kernaut August 22, 2019
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when used as a noun, and not a suffix, denotes that anxious feeling of waiting for something to be done
"Neighdeene gettin' the itis waitin' for her shift at Taco Bell to end!"
by George Leo August 15, 2022
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