He is one of the best shock rockers ever. Hes so awesome he actually came to my shit hometown on his EYES OF ALICE COOPER RETURNS tour and you can bet I was there! (I even painted my face heheheh)
People think hes washed up just because hes old and plays Golf, and they think hes a sellout because hes in commercials, but thast because PEOPLE HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THE FUCK MUSIC IS ABOUT! WHO GIVES A FUCK HOW OLD THE SINGER IS! ITS THE MUSIC THAT MATTERS! I COULDNT CARE LESS IF A BAND WAS FORMED BY A BUNCH OF FUCKING TALKING PEANUTS!!!!! AS LONG AS THEY MAKE GOOD MUSIC ID LISTEN TO THEM!
The point is, people are judging him for his appearance now, which is retarded. The people that judge him as a sellout or a washed-up old fart are probably the same people that just watch MuchMusic just to see whos hot these days, and listen to Billy Talent and Good Charlotte and other flavors of the month. YOU GUYS MAKE ME SICK! YOU CAN ALL ROT IN POSER HELL!! ALICE COOPER WAS, IS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE ONE OF THE BEST METAL GROUPS TO BE FORMED!
Best songs by him:
Schools Out,
Billion Dollar Babies,
Sick Things,
No More Mr. Nice Guy,
I'm Eighteen,
and FEED MY FRANKENSTEIN (one of the best songs EVER with a sick solo)
by Matt October 23, 2004
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legend says that this word is a common term referring to a immortal short little Amish man who has allegedly been here since the beginning of time, every time the little guy consumes one of he's elders, he gains their whole life span.
The other day i was walking when something hit my ankle, a short little cooper Taylor yelled at me then did a polish dance.
by the puff puff wizard January 31, 2022
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One of the originals. Influenced most 80s metal and rock bands. Rumored to now be a Christian conservative who golfs and owns a restaurant.
by Hairmetal October 22, 2003
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Gwendolyn "Winnie" Cooper (Danica McKellar)is a character from the show "The Wonder Years" a series that tackles the social issues and historic events of that time through the eyes of main character Kevin Arnold(Fred Savage). Kevin also deals with typical teenage social issues, including those prompted by his main love interest, Winnie Cooper, as well as typical family troubles. The story is narrated by an older, wiser Kevin (voiced by Daniel Stern), describing what is happening and what he learned from his experiences in an alternately nostalgic and ironic tone.
Kevin's main love interest. In an episode entitled "The Accident" and in the final episode, it is stated that every important event in Kevin's life somehow involves Winnie. She lives on the same block as Kevin. Their first kiss and her older brother's death while serving as a soldier in the Vietnam War play an important part of the pilot episode. In one episode, her parents separate over their grief of the death of their son. In the epilogue of the final episode, it is revealed that Winnie goes on to study art history in Paris. Kevin and Winnie write a letter to each other every week for eight years until she returns. Despite their long romance, by the time Winnie returns to the US in 1982 Kevin is married to someone else.
"Wow, she's like you're own Winnie Cooper!"

"Danica McKellar did a great job at playing Winnie Cooper in The Wonder Years."
by Mia_93 December 16, 2008
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The original jumping skyjacker, Cooper boarded a Northwest Orient flight in Portland, Oregon on 24 November 1971 -- the eve of Thanksgiving. Once aloft he threatened to blow up the plane and demanded $1,000,000 and two parachutes. After the plane landed at Seattle-Tacoma Airport and his demands were met, Cooper ordered the 727 to take off and head for Mexico. He jumped from the rear of the plane somewhere over Washington state, taking the cash with him. Despite exhaustive searches, Cooper's body was never found and the money has never been in circulation. His whereabouts are unknown.
ex.1:For D.B. Cooper and the money he took

ex.2: Lets go pull a D.B
by F1uke November 16, 2006
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The Ultra-Conservstive, super based host of the Daily Wire show, "The Comments section".

Also the most attractive female on the planet.
Chad #1: hey, did you see the new Brett Cooper video?
Chad #2: of course, she's based and super hawt
by Danb0_the_chad July 25, 2022
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