A term of endearment used against Southern American people who support Far Authoritarian Right-Wing Political ideals like Slavery, Segregation, White Supremacy, Genocide, Closed Borders and White-American Christianity. It was originally used against Confederates during the Civil War and is still prescribed to people who call themselves Southern Nationalists or Confederates in the modern day. The Term is also a Synonym of the more recent Term "Dixiecrat", used to describe these same people.
"..Oh, way down South, in the Land of Traitors, Rattlesnakes and Alligators..
by Have funnn July 23, 2021
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What to call ur ex bf when u shove him in the pool
I shoved him in da pool and called him an alligator scooping fork
by Becky000000010001 March 9, 2017
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A flu that turns you green and makes your nose grow eventually turning you into an alligator.
"Did you hear that carl has the alligator flu? There's no hope for him!

At least I'll get a new pair of boots from him."
by Wonderbox32 May 10, 2016
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When a guy pisses all over a girl, stopping just below her eyes so she looks like an alligator in the water.
"Jamie is pissed because Jack got piss in her eyes last night while he was giving her a sparkling alligator."
by A.Jaxxx May 27, 2012
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A word that was typed up by the roblox player: g0dzillaplayer999_pc. This mastermind has created a rhyme with it such as, inferior crocodile alligator ill see you at the movie theatre, etc. He is an emmy-award winning, oscar-winning, genius.
"you are such an inferior crocodile alligator".

"bro u suck at the game inferior crocodile alligator."
by actuallyfartworm June 15, 2022
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A syndrome that affects the liver caused from eating too much donkey meat.
Phil Lesh contracted alligator syndrome after eating too much donkey meat.
by Thomas the syndromeist September 18, 2022
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