agree with previous definitions, but should add the origin of this phrase-
the movie "Heathers"
Winona Ryder-"What's your damage?"
by oldschool May 19, 2004
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A term used to ask someone when they randomly say something mean, rude, or insulting. You can’t say this out of the bloom
Also after you ask what’s your benefit, you must “say what do you gain from that?”

-Term made by Imran from the dmv
Homie 1: You suck plus you stink
Homie 2: What’s your benefit? What do you gain from that? You’re not getting money or anything.
by GamerBoy Terms April 14, 2020
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A question about how mentally cracked a person may be.
"Would you ever fuck a sheep?"- Jay
"What's your damage little boy?"- Brent
by Bryan H K May 5, 2004
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This is one of many CB slang terms that those operating CB radio used mainly during the CB craze of the 1970s and 1980s.
Literaly speaking it means: Where are you?
What's your twenty?" This is asking the receiver what their current location is. This term comes from the ten-code 10-20.
For more info check and search for "CB slang"
by Neriglissar October 26, 2006
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What is wrong?
Why are you acting this way?
Why are you being so strange?
-Dude you're crying, What's your boggle?
-my parents just died :(
-bummer :/
by pollo-loco21 January 21, 2011
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"what is your problem?"

basically the same thing, except replacing problem with damage makes you sound twenty years out of date
Barack: "Senator McCain, what's your damage?"
John: "My damage, Senator is you!"
by PSONBT November 19, 2008
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Like when you someone is startin an argument or something and you don't know why they are doin it or havin a little fit and you don't know why = whats your beef
'shout, shout, shout!!' = 'Yo holmes whats your beef'
by Olie Fildes June 25, 2006
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