Jake: So Shelly, do you want to go on another date?

Shelly: Yeah, we should do something sometime.
by andrew apocolypse November 24, 2004
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A polite way of saying "I know you, but I don't like you well enough to make definite plans, so I'll leave you thinking that I at least considered having a night-out with you."
Oh my God..Sarah?? Wow, long time no see! Hey, I can't stay to chat, but we should definitely do something sometime!
by z3phyr April 29, 2004
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what you say to someone when you really don't ever wanna see them again because you aren't interested in them
Liz: I had fun, we should do this again sometime.

TRANSLATION: You bored the shit out of me and I'm not interested whatsoever! Never call me again.
by Ali April 21, 2004
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"I know I have no chance w/ you, but I am saying this because it would be really fun. I'm a loser, so just say 'yeah...' and walk away."
by Sammy AntonGiovanni April 30, 2004
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n. let's have sex now. or else.
jon said to jenna, "we should do something sometime"
by sekio April 22, 2004
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What a person says when they see an old aquaintance that maybe they met once or twice, and that they thought making out with was a good idea at the time. You may or may not remember their name, and this is what u say when they want to get together.
Them: Hey! Oh my god, you're looking so hot. Here's my number! I never got yours... how funny.
You: Um, hi. Yeah, I'll take your number. We should do something sometime. *coughcough
by CurryChild September 5, 2004
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Expressive of the user's complete lack of desire to engage in any further activity in the future with said person.
Dave couldn't believe he'd spent all day with such a boring, unattractive woman.

"We should do something sometime." He said, embracing her lightly without inviting her in.
by Pecan Pie April 30, 2004
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