3 definitions by Sammy AntonGiovanni

"I know I have no chance w/ you, but I am saying this because it would be really fun. I'm a loser, so just say 'yeah...' and walk away."
by Sammy AntonGiovanni April 30, 2004
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You walk into a club and you see a hot guy/girl. Then you wonder if they are truly hot, or if they are only "hot" because everyone else is so fugly
by Sammy AntonGiovanni April 30, 2004
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hottie alert; hot male

A term used mostly by gay men to point out a passer by, usually hella hot.
*A guy passes by a group of friends*

Guy1: Meanwhile ...
Guy2: Very much so
by Sammy AntonGiovanni April 30, 2004
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