Any radical action used to express againts the oppression of women, the stereotype of femininity and the commercialization of sexuality.
Russell Brand's invasive and painful way to protest consumerism.
PLAYBOY: You once stuck a Barbie up your ass during a show in London, claiming it was a protest against consumerism. Is it possible there's a less personally invasive and painful way to protest consumerism?
BRAND: If there is, I haven't found it.
by rperazag May 15, 2010
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"High up your ass" is a term to define person who is too boastful, who thinks he knows everything and is too good for everyone else.
She wont go out with me, she is too high up her ass.

You are so high up your ass if you think you can solve this task alone.
by LordZoltan September 2, 2010
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1. The condition of being absolutely oblivious to surroundings 2. Acting like an asshole
1. "You didn't know the pope died? You have your head up your ass, dude"
2. "You told everyone you had sex with my mom!? You have your head up your ass, dude"
by Dylan K. April 24, 2006
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Describing some one very stern or strict. Often used to describe parents or authorities.
> Hey, are you going to the show tomorrow?
< No......
> Why not? They're only in town for a couple weeks.
< No, see, it's just my parents. The damn assholes have sticks up their asses!
> Oh that sucks.
< Yeah, tomorrow I'm going to one of them and say, "You know, you really have a stick up your ass." and they'll be like "Oh...."
by sam _ November 29, 2006
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(Reffering to people who don't like metal.) One gets overwhelmed with metal until they bow down before the masters.
Jon - I think metal is stupid, all there is to it is just noise and screaming.
James - Metal up your ass faggot!!!! You have no idea what your talking about, and no idea what metal is, or any clue as to what it's all about. Fuck you and fuck your opinion cuz you are fucking gay!!!!
by creeping_jon May 4, 2003
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A term used to insult people who like the music of an inferior genre such as punk or emo. This phrase is directed at the person who the user is talking to, not the user themself. Metal may not be replaced in this phrase by an inferior muscial genre.
by metal kid May 11, 2005
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