A bag filled with tea leaves. That looks like weed. Tweed
by LAPUPPY October 24, 2010
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Mid Western term for something "hip" or cool. Prince once spoke of someone as Tweed.
When seeing a good looking person of the opposite sex, he told his friend, "She is so tweed, I would love to say hello."

Also - "This party we are going to tomorrow night will be tweed."
Someone might say that if there was going to be punch served at a party.
by Jake March 15, 2005
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stupid, annoying, totally obnoxious person who has little or no personality.
Oh god, Jake is such a tweed, every time he talks to me i want to run the other direction. I hate him.
by Becca the Rainbow July 11, 2008
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Possibly the greatest person to live. He has Godly characteristics and can turn water into a full-grown flamingo. Everyone wants to touch him so they go to A Touch of Tweed and pay $1 million to touch his beautiful head.
Joe: I wish I was Tweed, he is so lovely!
Cindy: I wish i could keep my head in Tweed's pants for the rest of my life!
by Conor Creator of Earth April 13, 2006
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When smoking a doobie and drinking a cup o' tea
by theswedishgiant October 16, 2010
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I dont like going to Gasoline Alley because there are too many tweeds hanging out there.
by Thomas Wight December 30, 2005
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a more subtle way of saying weed
Do you know if anyone has any tweed
by --=-=-=-=- June 8, 2007
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