Kitchened is a word that describes being forced or awkwardly stuck into a conversation with ones mother exceeding 30 minutes. This occurrence always takes place in the kitchen.
Fella #1: "I got kitchened by my mum last night"
Fella #2: "Damn bro, that seems like it lasted an awkward amount of time"
by KazzyP October 30, 2018
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A state of hightened excitement, or non-sobriety. Often during the day. Reflects the disorder often found in a kitchen.
This fool is shmacked.”

“No bro, he’s KITCHENED
by fadedbitch November 2, 2018
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The hair line on the back of ones neck. Where excess hair grows on ones neck that is not needed.
"Hey man, will you clean my kitchen? Its looking pretty mangled"

"Damn my kitchen is dirty, can you clean it up?"

"Dude just got my kitchen cleaned, its looking money."
by Tails07 March 28, 2009
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go the the kitchen and make me some sammich bitch.
by gaesian April 5, 2010
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Guy 1: Hey man, did you know woman spelled backwards is kitchen?
Guy 2: Dude I never noticed! That's hilarious!
Woman 1: No it is not! Woman spelled backwards is Namow
by Weedledick March 22, 2011
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