The general term used to describe long, curved and overgrown nails. Sometimes dirt may accumulate under said nails and must be flicked out in order to remove.
James, who had a set of ridiculously long talons, flicked dirt from underneath them in order to try and remove the build-up of filth that had accumulated after a long period of no personal hygiene.
by Mother-sensei July 8, 2012
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That one cunt that thinks he is cool because he has like 2 hours on CS:GO
Ohh hey it's Talon... *sigh* (under breath ~ fuuuuckk)
by QwErTy1o1 November 30, 2016
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A beautiful man that can literally do anything. He is the most sexy person you will ever meet while also being a softie. He is also a good friend who is always there for you. Also a real beast in bed. You know he is reliable and just a nice person all the way around.
Wow, you see Talon over there? He is PERFECT.
by tdawg1234 May 27, 2019
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To 'pull a Talon' means to send a message to someone that was meant for someone else. Or, to message someone from the wrong messaging account.
Message sent to mom, yet meant for your lover. "You make me so horny." Mom sends back. "Excuse me?" You send back. "Sorry, didn't mean to Talon you!"
by ABYSSxxDEEP June 11, 2013
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a awesome red head that plays video games if you have a friend named talon keep him forever
because there hard to find.
ps don't get him pisst off
dam talon sure plays videgames
by jawriper February 10, 2015
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shy but shows courage this is a man who is a gentleman and nice to others
by Talon Strother January 22, 2019
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A lovable husband. Almost too lovable. In fact, he makes other husbands look bad.
That guy is a total Talon. He makes the rest of us husbands look subpar.
by Dacruze January 13, 2021
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