In old school slang terms, a "shooter" was a photographer.

But,that slang died out because photographers didnt want the bad image.
"Kid shooters", "Portrait shooters", "Sports Shooters"
by dontarguewithme December 15, 2007
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Sexy avatar on Second Life who has dated practically every woman over 60.
Shooter dated everyone in Second Life. What a lucky guy!
by Amaris1 January 4, 2012
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Someone who lies continuously in order to make himself or herself look better than you.
You only scored 80% on that exam? Oh my lord, that was so easy I scored a 98% while doing the test on crack.
by scabman August 17, 2005
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When you a leave a putt 2 inches short in the dead center of the cup.
by wpatt2021 August 21, 2021
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Timmy opened up in class by brandishing a firearm and fired at his classmates, he's the school shooter .
by Paul Merr June 25, 2022
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when a guy is shooting his shot with a girl. usually guys say this to their guy friends because they are talking with a girl, just to bug them.
*a guy is walking with a girl*
one of your friend walks past and says “HES A SHOOTER
by lolol12346 November 26, 2020
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