when youre at a hotel and the bathroom is so small you can take a shit and shower at the same time
person 1: "hows the hotelroom?"
person 2: "its quite small, i even got a shit and shower"
by Crocodelic June 20, 2021
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When a fat person can't reach they're ass and decides that showering would be a good alternative to wiping ones ass.
In Black slang: "that lady is so fat i bet she shit and shower"
by Aliencj July 4, 2006
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When you take a rank dump and conceal the scent by taking a shower immediately after, leaving no one the wiser
man sallys been in the bathroom a while she must have shit n showered.
by snaketown November 14, 2006
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when It’s Evening after dinner and you need to take a crap but you also Have to shower. No toilet paper involved thank goodness! Once you crap just hop in the shower
No toilet paper? I’ll just Shit-N-Shower
by Dentor January 17, 2020
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when someone, usually a man, takes such a nasty disgusting shit that a shower is needed when finished to feel clean again
I had a shower shit today from that mexican food last night.
by Johnny Tats November 13, 2007
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A shit so bad that the only effective way of getting clean afterwards is to hop in the shower.
CJ: Dude, that taco bell fucked me up, i had to take a shower shit last night
Patrick: That's gross, how bad was it?
CJ: Let's just say I had to clean my shower afterwards...
by see jay October 19, 2008
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