"Scoob" is a word derived from the word scoobies meaning charred bits of ash or bud that you inhale as a result from hitting a bowl. The word originated from the Portland - Vancouver area around 2009 and has far strayed from the meaning of scoobies, it is now used as a sort of nonsense word to describe absolutely anything. It can be used as a Verb, Noun, Adjective and Interjection. (Plural being "scoobs," Past tense being "scoobed")
"Damn bro, he just hella scoobed you!"

"I was walking down the sidewalk when I saw a scoob on the ground."

"I wouldn't mess with him, I heard he's scoobier than you could imagine"

by ScoutDashveen January 9, 2012
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A noun AND verb used for anything and everything under the sun, its meaning always depending on its context and the tone of voice with which it is said.

Generally used to describe either amazing or painfully awkward situations.
After accidentally touching the girl's butt while standing in line at the cafeteria, the boy exclaimed "scooOOOOOOObbeeee!!!"

Person 1: Bro, the E-train just friend requested me on facebook.
Person 2: Scoob.

Bro, I just scooobed all over my hands.

Let's just scoob it on over to your place.

Person 2: Bro, you just gotta scoob the noob.
Person 1: Ahhhh scoob.
by scoobgnarbler5 January 8, 2010
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Scoobs is when you want to claim something; it can also be used a word to define everything
Scoobs on Shootgun!
Scoobs on Fatass Tocabell
Are you scoobsing this?
by Onemorebrewski March 4, 2006
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1) a squarebear
2) Rookie in the game
3) the nigga in college you didnt want to kick it with
<Mike Ma>

That fukin scoob burnt his facial hair trying to take a flaming shot..
by roman zaremba October 10, 2006
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Damn bro that guy has no play
“Yea bro that guys a scoob
by Tyler deshaun October 31, 2022
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