it's a word my girlfriend uses for tired.
Im so roshed.
by Anonymous August 24, 2003
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A Jewish/Yahwist festival that takes place in September or October.

{"September" means "7th Month" & "October" means "8th Month" even though they are today considered to be our 9th & 10th months -- so many calendar changes!}
"Rosh HaShanah" ("New Year") is a non-Biblical name. The Biblical name is "Shabbatown Zikrown Truwah" ("Sabbath Memorial of Shofars")


23) Yahweh said to Mosheh,

24) Tell the Israelites, in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you must observe a sabbath day of rest, a memorial announced by the blowing of shofars, a sacred gathering.

25) Do not do any regular work, and present an offering to Yahweh.
by Trenton King August 19, 2009
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ROSH = Head
HA = The
therefore "Head {of} the year".
aka "Jewish New Year".
It is ironic that Rosh HaShanah is called "Jewish New Year", because it actually takes place on the first day of the Biblical SEVENTH Month (LEVITICUS 23:23-25). The "New Year" designation is not Biblical, rather it was picked up from Babylonian culture where this time was considered to be the New Year.
by Herbert W. Headstrong August 18, 2009
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The Dean or Spritual Leader of a Yeshiva
The Rosh Yeshiva got up to address the entire Yeshiva
by Yeshivish April 16, 2015
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A Geometry Dash player from Costa Rica who is an idiot ngl
Guy 1: Oh look its Frenzy Rosh!
Guy 2: trash
by Razty09 April 11, 2023
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To say you'll be somewhere and cancel at the last second.
Dude, Chris said he was going to show up but he's totally pulling a Rosh
by Concho Garcias April 12, 2008
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To describe a day that is pre-eminent and sparks a simple joy and zest for life.

Similar: 'Great Day'
Kev: "What did you get up to yesterday?"

Jordan: "Went for a drive out to a flowing spring with a few mates. Went for a swim, cooked lunch on the fire and drank some hot tea made using the spring water."

Kev: "Sounds like you had a Rosh Day!"
by Sneaky Bosco August 7, 2023
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