A cheap swill brand of beer that was once brewed and sold in Cleveland, Ohio. "POC" once meant "Pride Of Cleveland", but in later years, meant either "Piss On Cleveland" or "Pilsener On Call". Before POC was discontinued in the mid-1980's, a 6-pack of POC sold for less than a 6-pack of Coke or Pepsi...it was that cheap of abeer.
My grandfather used to drink POC...it was all he could afford.

I don't drink POC...that beer is nothing but pisswater!
by Genuine Nerd March 9, 2010
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1)n. a brown person; from people/person of color
2) adj. having charcteristics of people of color
1) My shcool has no pocs.
2) She dresses hella poc.
by Mika Gonzales November 13, 2005
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Person of Color (colour) is used to support people of color/colour. It can be also used as defending all races (except for white people) It can also be used to define what you are. :)
I support all POC!!
I'm a POC.
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A word used in place of bro, dude, man, homie, etc. Used mainly on the East Coast of America.
Nate: Whats up poc?

Matt: Nothing much poc just got out of class.
by wtfmatthew February 28, 2015
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Potential of Craziness: the level, on a 1 to 10 scale, that a chick could be crazy/psycho (to the point where it's not worth taking her down). 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest, it is generally based off the vibe you get from being around the.
Yo mane check out the slew, too bad her PoC is off the charts
by KlassyKoala February 21, 2014
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