the feeling of being tired and worn out after coming down from an ecstasy high
Dave: What are you doing after the rave?
Andrew: Going home. Imma be hella pilted.
by September 11, 2010
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adjective /pɪ́lt/

used to describe someone under the influence of meth, primarily after they’ve been up for one to several days and have gone into autopilot.

Similiar words and phrases: spun duck, smoked out, on a sick one, burnt
Damn Selena’s little smirk and lack of filter tells me she’s probably pilt.
by Sa.Brina January 5, 2023
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A person who has ceased to live.
'Why is this a piece of literature and not a ten penny novel for the every day pilt?' (Urbina, Joel (2008) Aria e Sol: or The Aria e Sol Activity Book)
by Michel Hoffa February 29, 2008
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A worthless being, someone who is a waste of oxygen.
That pilt's mother should've aborted him.
by sowit wtdhp October 16, 2005
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Adj; To describe ones state of extreme inebriation.
Matt was so haggardly pilt last night he showed everyone his dick!
by fixerman September 12, 2010
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When your body and mind have been up too long your "pilted"
Look at Travis he's so Pilted. Fuck in so Pilted !
by Maxamphetamine June 25, 2017
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