To be standing behind a chick going at her while she is bent over with one leg planted on the ground, the other in the air. the arm opposite the leg in the air is raised above your head like a bull-rider's.
i had that chick bent over and i was hammering her and then i started to give her a one-legged fuck.
by the supple marmoset May 29, 2003
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When a man inserts his penis into a sleeping person's open mouth, and blames any of the victim's side-effects the following morning on spiders.
Jason: "Jeez my throat is sore and dry, I must've slept with my mouth open"

Kyle: "Maybe you ate a spider?"

Jason: "Was it a One Legged Spider? God-dammit that's nasty"
by MOAR!? June 7, 2011
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when one, after being unsatisfied after sex, breaks the leg of his partner while she is in a vulnerable "position" and pushes her off the bed.
Tyler:Dude what happened to that chick at the gym you were talking to...she broke her leg
Drew:We hooked up last night and I gave her the one-legged skydiver
by Boom City! January 29, 2009
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The act of ejaculating in your partner's eye and then kicking her in the shin, causing her to move around like a one-legged pirate.
Bro, she made me nervous so i gizzed in her eye & gave her a one-legged pirate.
by alitalia November 11, 2007
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When your special someone is giving you oral sex you ejaculate on her chin and you trim your pubic hair, then you sprinkle your hair on her chin making it look like she has a beard then tell her to stand up, next you kick her least favorite leg and poke her eye. So she is a one legged pirate.
Dude 1: I pulled a fast one on my girl yesterday.
Dude 2: No way really the One Legged Pirate.!
Dude 1: Yeah she looked like Captn Ahab.
by neozzythe1 June 24, 2009
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The one-legged race is a highly active sexual position which involves the man lifting the woman off the floor and holding her against the wall with one leg raised holding one of her legs up and the other planted on the floor to provide the thrust. Can be painful if you overbalance at all.
i totally gave her a one-legged race last night, but f*cked my arm up when i fell over.
by Rabamana September 14, 2010
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A pirate lacking his third leg
and either his 1st or 2nd leg
resulting in his total number of legs being less than 2, i.e. 1
Avast me, one of me legs has been removed by this here sharp sword - Ill have to be a land lubber for the rest of me days.
by Blueice January 27, 2003
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