the ola is after me.
by killuminati4ever July 30, 2010
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Ola is a male. Not a girl. A cool guy :)<3
Ola is a very strong boy.
by jajajjaj February 27, 2018
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"a person who has no life"

"retard "
"shit talker"
are minor descriptions that describe this person.
" that man is a ola"
" hes such ulgy ola"
by Aquarius095 October 24, 2009
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Someone who cant actually spell Hola.
Retard-Ola Dude! Smart person-Dude its spelled Hola
by TheOneGirl! August 2, 2009
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Jessica: There is Ola he is so ugly
by Sander balleeter March 6, 2023
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Ola, a very big and brown mammoth which usually talks to her parents and best friend Amelia in Mammoth. She seems to talk very loud even though she only has her trunk to talk from. Her laugh seems to have a higher pitch than Steven Hawking's voice. She doesn't do any sporting events because she seems to take up all the space on the lanes and using all 4 legs is just an unfair advantage. Therefore isn't able to compete as she is the last female of her type, she has a massive crush on the only other male mammoth: Arthur. She somehow still wants to get into clubs but doesn't realise that nobody can reach all the way up to smell that shitty mammoth perfume. She also can't reach down to her pussy so she has been growing that massive forest since she was born (1650 BC).
OMG that's an Ola!
Why is Ola even here?
by Ola's stink January 25, 2019
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fat hoe that cant spell definite
1: u know ola?
2: yh she cant spell definite
by pompomchick October 19, 2019
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