A shortened version of "obvious" or "obviously."
That girl is obvi 20 pounds overweight.

Are you going out tonight?
by anm4a June 28, 2004
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Shortend word for Obvious.
A Word used by many gays and teen girls. Gays originated it and basically claimed it as their own.
Omg! Its totes obvi that guy is gay.
by bowdownbiatches February 2, 2015
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an ass hole who is surprised by every thing he/she sees. someone who points out the fucking obvious! even though you see in front of your fucking face!
"dude, my dad points out everything!"
"dude, your dads an obvie mother fucker!
by dude007 #2 July 16, 2008
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some may see it as a shortened form of the longer word obviously but it is indeed much more than that. some could call it the "senior word" and if used by a non-senior then the trouble will begin. Others still could call it just plain annoying, however it is much more than that, it is fabulous. so take obvi, and spread it about the world.
wow he looks kinda like a power ranger. OBVI thats why we call him PR!
by whitney December 12, 2004
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A contraction of totally obvious. Often used in the same way as "duh"
Ally: Where are you?
Gabby: I'm studying at the library, tot obvi.
by KayCeeGee September 8, 2007
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Oozing the obvious.
Basically saying something is more than obvious.
You're definitely wearing a push-up!
Your boobs were flat yesterday.
It's totally oozing the obvi.
by Dasshsbee September 4, 2011
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