A phrase used to reinforce the fact that something someone wants so badly does not belong to them nor will it ever be given to them.
Little Girl: I want that pony!
Appropriate Response: NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE A PONY. (point to pony) NOT YOURS.
by VSharp January 22, 2007
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Easily spotted, lazy, made-up, words and definitions that should be grounds for immediate deletion.
Your such a pathetic excuse for a slang definition that I will misspell "You're" and simply make a weak sentence proving that it could be a real word!
by nigle+ August 20, 2009
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Yelled at the top of your lungs when an ugly female/male is spotted. As in YOURS not MINE.
"dude that chick is YOURS!"
by Teapotlid May 29, 2009
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A frequently misspelled word of "you're".
Your good at this?
by Evax November 12, 2002
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Your is a normal word, it has a proper definition just like any other. However becoming more and more prevalent is idiots who are trying to be smart and think they are doing so by using the full spelling of 'YOUR' instead of 'UR' to mean 'YOU'RE'. This mistake is extremely common because in every day life you hear people saying 'your' which is actually spelled 'you're', as in you are.
Joe: your a fucking scrub.
Oej: no you're.
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Shit I meant you’re
Guy 1: Your gay
Guy 2: You’re*
Guy 1: *Dies in Braille*
by Premarital Sex December 8, 2019
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Used by morons who can't simply understand the difference between your and you're
by JohnJK04 August 16, 2013
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