Polish: Whore
Used like English: Fuck
by Ghenggy da Munky September 20, 2018
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Polish word "Kurwa" is a multi-tool.
It can be used:
* as "Fuck", "Shit" etc.
* as "Whore"
* as an offensive term for woman
* when you are happy
* when you are sad
* when you are angry
* when you are bored
* when you are depressed
* when you are suprised
* and when you've got nothing else to say
*You lost your girlfriend*
*You dropped your phone from a plane*
*You climbed a mountain*
-O kurwa!
*You sprained your ankle*
*Your out of beer/money*
*Your friend asks you*
(he)-Who's that lady over there?
*You lose in a competition*
by MrMaselko March 18, 2017
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- Fuck it! in Ukrainian language. Commonly used instead of Russian Blyat and suka.
- Kurwa!
- What?
- I injured my finger!
by commonplaces April 26, 2010
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A mix of Polish and the common Russian swear word. Usually used in video games.
*Dies to a noob*
by AmazingDerp September 13, 2017
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Probably the best tap beer you can get in Madison, WI.
Fuck damn I'm thirsty. I think I'll go down to the pub for a pint of kurwa juice.
by lord of hype July 25, 2014
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When you play too much CS:GO and are Polish, you tend to say 'Cyka Kurwa'.
by Skere November 26, 2015
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