A very smart boy, athletic, kind, you don't need to be his friend to see how perfect he is.
"Who's that boy over there?"
"That's Jassy. He got the only 100% in the class!"
by cut the crap rn August 10, 2023
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Everyone's favorite couple of James and Yassy of 822
Ugh I just ship Jassy so hard it's so cutee
by Burntcoookie May 24, 2022
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The cutest girl in the whole universe. Her eyes are so beautiful and you'll fall in love with her instantly. She is so special like a princess and you should never let go of her. She makes you feel really happy.
I love Jassy so much. She is perfect!
by hiii.LaFlame June 17, 2022
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The best person in the world. They make you feel so happy and they are amazing.
1: Who's that?
2: She's my Jassy!
by hiii.LaFlame June 22, 2022
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Jassy is a boy that can steal your heart / have a huge crush and possible make you fall in love too. (😱) He’s very smart, and is good in everything. He might have a hard time talking to girls (unless you talk to him first :) needs an icebreaker!)

Jassy is cute and smart and legit has the best of everyone. I want to be friends with him!
A "wow who in the world got 100% on the final exam??? like are you kidding me?"
B "Its Jassy bla bla bla"
by the lol frog weeeyyyy May 11, 2023
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A person you want with you to the very end as a friend or a partner. This person is super sweet and kind and will do whatever they can to make you smile. They might come off shy at first but once you get to know them...they’ll rant to you about their watch collection and memes for days! If you are lucky enough to meet one then please hold em close and treat em the best you can cause in reality, they’re trying to do the same for you!
Oh my gosh Jassi just sent me a text that he likes me, I must be the luckiest person ever!
by That_random_friend November 22, 2021
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Jassi is girl/boy who is utterly amazing in every way shape and form. He/she is intelligent and has a great personality. He/she sexy as he'll more than all the rest. A Jassi can also be reffered to as 'gorgeous', 'sexy', 'cute', 'sex-bomb'. If you ever meet a Jassi, do not ever let him/her go! You should actually treat them like a king/queen and be thankful they allow you to be in there presense.
Girl: who's that girl? I've never seen her before...

Boy: thats Jassi and OMG she is so WOW! I can't get enough of her. She's fecking AWSOME!!!!
by JAS007770 January 8, 2022
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