An euphemism for cunnilingus, oral sex, an act performed by a person on the vulva and/or vagina of a female, the opposite of fellatio. The term was created by “The Man” and has become popular due to its frequent use on the legendary podcast Slacker and The Man. It is important to this podcast not to offend their sensitive listeners, many being doctors and lawyers.

Terminology: A headbutt is a strike with the head, typically striking a sensitive area of an opponent. A buffalo is an animal that is the size of a very large cow, with shaggy, long, black/brown fur. If you haven’t figured it out yet, buffalo is another euphemism for that treasured part of the female anatomy, the vagina. Put the two together and it is easy to create an image in the mind of a man charging with his face first into a lady’s lap - the beginning of oral sex on a woman.
Mashers: "I have a 30 minute minimum when it comes to sex."
The Man: "Does that include headbutting the buffalo?"

The Man: "Ever headbutt the buffalo?"
by Mashers69 January 12, 2014
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The act of hitting someone's weiner in a forceful manner with ones head.
Watch out he has a strong weiner-headbutt!
by Dixy Normis May 8, 2008
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kamia the headbutt bitch
kamia almost headbutted me to death today!
by sob January 3, 2005
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A person who is so unfortunately ugly; they appear to have spent a whole week, none stop, smashing their face against a fridge to create the full mangled look. For an added feature, the same monster can sometimes complete their metamorphasis by kissing a hot iron.
Tony: Hey Tez, i think we should get the fuck out of here, theres a right beast approaching!

Tez: Don't worry Tony, it's just Vanessa, She's a fridge headbutter!

Tony: All the same mate - I'd rather leave before this ugly bitch takes us hostage.
by Kingmaster007 August 17, 2011
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When a kid in the 5th grade wearing a ridiculously stupid bike helmet bends down, points the top of his head at a random person, shuffles towards them with his arms out like he's about to fight them, and shouts the fact that he possesses something to the extent of "rhino headbutt." This has occurred once, at a block party on the East Coast, and hopefully will never repeat itself.
Nova: "Johnny, what are you doing with that bike helmet?"
by Beaver_syrup October 22, 2017
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When you ejaculate on someones forehead and proceed to headbuttthem while screaming "ooga booga" then walk away.
Chelsea why do you have a big bump on your head? Well brad got mad at me yesterday and gave me the Georgia headbutt.
by Book reading wanker March 8, 2018
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Headbutt-asaurus also known as "big ass head" not havingsecond much brain,or alot of space around the small brain.Very Ugly in appearance. Also know to been hit with an Ugly Stick repeatedly. Also known to inflict pain or death by way of headbutting its prey. Headbutt-asaurus may have small feet with large hands, can be female or male or both. They also eat many Burritos & drink lots of coffee. Also tend to write on whatever whenever.
ME-"oh no! here comes a Headbutt-asaurus"!
Headbutt-asaurus (female version) ra ra ra rew!! (in manly voice)
by fknblown August 19, 2011
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