A man who's manly but also Hanley but not too manly.
A gentleman who makes dem YouTube videos and teaches da Math classes.
He also likes to play dem instruments too.

What a nice young gent.
Person A: "Have you seen the YouTuber 'Manly Hanley' before?"
Person B: "Nah"
by Manly Hanley May 17, 2021
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A decent 5 piece Alternative band formed in circa 2005 who gained momentary fame in late 2008 because they did a killer job covering Lil Wayne's mega-hit Lollipop...
Other than that unless your an emo or scene loser, nobody has ever heard of these guys
It's pretty sad when the only fame you get is when you cover someone else's work =/ like Framing Hanley
by Crookshank003 January 26, 2009
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a looser that has a small penis and thinks hes good at everything but in reality he is a faggot he also likes men so he enjoys penis's up his ass and in his mouth
Liam Hanley has a small penis
by Child poverty is bad October 24, 2018
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A spicy milkshake that was made by Hec Hanley. A Hanley Freeze is most commonly made of mint chocolate chip ice cream, V8 vegetable juice, and Mt. Dew Code Red. This is one of Hec's favorite drinks. If you want something creamy, but with a sweet and tangy kick, try a Hanley Freeze - one taste and you'll be Hanley'd!
Hec: Hey Bryant, you thirsty? You want a Hanley Freeze?

Bryant: Sure! But what's in a Hanley Freeze?

Hec: Oh, its great! All it is is mint chocolate chip ice cream, Mt. Dew Code Red, with V8 juice thrown in it for spicy. Its delicious, honey. Here, I'll make you one. (He makes a Hanley Freeze)

Beatrice: What's that? Is that some sort of crazy cocktail drink?

Bryant: Yes! Its a Hanley Freeze. You'll love it. Here you go, Gunny Granny. Knock that back, see what you think. (Beatrice tastes the drink)

Beatrice: Wowee! The creamy coolness of mint, the sweet red tang of the cherry, plus the spicy burn of vegetables. This would be a hit if we sold it.

Hec: Did I do good? Is the Hanley Freeze the bomb? (Everyone starts slapping high fives)

Bryant: Hanley Freeze - the ultimate in cold and oldies!
by Dusty's Baby Powder July 18, 2011
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The biggest bender you will ever meet. He is always egotistical and brags about the size of his cock all the time
that guy is such an Ewan Hanley
by bob marely-09876543 June 19, 2019
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hanley the littlest boy in the class and that is 11
hanley banks is so little
by hanley banks October 26, 2020
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hanley the littlest boy in the class and that is 11
hanley banks is so little
by hanley banks October 26, 2020
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